Sunday, March 8, 2015

The road of solitude

"When I access wisdom, when I encounter every natural knowledge; pain is gone, sorrow is not there. I become the residence of freedom. This is the establishment of the permanent relation with the self." ~~ +Bill Dove 

From my early days, my innocent young years,
My spirit was sustained in every change of my growth
Times of mute dialogues with my mother's prime love
Yet difficult is the path awaiting before me

Fear broke in. Sought for tiger's legs, lion's roar, or eagle's wings
To run, hunt, scare, rule  and fly
Survival fight: win to live or lose and die
But progress made, target set and mindset changed
Still troubles found ways into my young mind
From unknown causes, they all came
But dear my integrity I beheld. Matter of time

Irreplaceable communions with friends
The young hearts' genuine joys are to never change
Lessons learned as in time alone I stood
The props of my endurance were removed
Friends and family, together they all departed
But my mind's fitness claimed highness. It unfolded.

Everything is transitional. Nothing lasts forever.
The essence of time is essential. The real power
Stand tall and fight. Alone or in a crew
Conspire with your mind in wisdom. Be you.
Stand up and live this life

~~ +Bill Dove