Friday, December 14, 2012

Recognition of your own day and time.

I am not Picasso to paint you. I am not even close to be Shakespeare to write about you. I am not Albert Einstein to develop a formula to get to make an atomic bomb that would kill all your worries and troubles so that i may be unforgettable in your heart. But i am simply your friend who wants best for you! - Billdove7

This blog post is intended to encourage, and help you run your race on the fulfillment of your dreams and reach your goals. It should also introduce you to a new world and assure you that riches can never beyond your reach, that you can still be what you wish to be. Additionally, it will show that success, fame, money, recognition and happiness can be had by anyone who is more than determined and ready to take his blessings. I hope that this post becomes the oasis in the Desert of Lost Hope, for which you have been searching.

Well, what's your secret? What's your motivation? What makes you different or special? What keeps you going? You owe answers to yourself because answering these questions is the beginning of living life at its fullness. Sometimes, Time gets hard and it seems like there's no way out. People always say that time will heal, everything is going to be alright and you will be just fine. The truth is that they don't feel what you're feeling. You feel emotional, and full of fears that you can't fight on your own. Well, it is a normal feeling. 

Fear helps us pay more attention on what's happening. We have the emotion of fear to thank for our existence. Without fear, our ancestors long since would have been killed jumping from high places, drowned in tempestuous oceans, or consumed by stronger and more dangerous predators. When we fear, we feel like getting away to save ourselves. This is great when the danger is real and immediate, but the problem with fear is that we succumb to it even when the danger is not real, or when it is a low probability, or far away in the future. Our thinking is dominated by what's going to happen to us, how to protect ourselves or those we love; so it is noisy and destructed.

In this state, we tend to accept any one that offers us safety or security. Everyone wants to feel special, safe and wanted. That makes us vulnerable to lies and deception of this world. So, we get played. Just forget about being special or famous in someone's world and be the Queen or King of fame in yours. Everything will turn in your direction and other people's lies won't affect you. Find what really keeps you going. Truly, you have to let the beauty you love become the good you do, and keep your Joy its best makeup. 

Remember, If you learn to genuinely smile when things go wrong, you will not only be free from negativity of the present situation but also find solution for problems in the future. In Silence we listen and think. And in listening and thinking or meditating, we produce an unbeatable wisdom that even amazes ourselves. So, Take time to inspire and amaze yourself with your own abilities. 


By Billdove7